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Premiership rugby's rarest scores....

The rarest scores in premiership rugby A few weeks ago I looked at some of the most common scores in premiership rugby, this time I'm looking at some of the rarest. The first place to start is by defining rarity so we'll look at those scores with the lowest frequencies. We'll also look at relative rarity. Rugby's rather peculiar scoring system means that some adjacent scores are much more likely than others. For example in 25 seasons premiership rugby teams scored 9 points 100 times but 8 points 194 times and 10 points 218 times. The rules At this point I should say that I've excluded those impossible scores 1, 2 and 4. I suppose those scores are rare, in the sense that you are unlikely to see them.  But the comparison I'd use is that you wouldn't describe a Dodo as rare and like a Dodo these scores are extinct for now.  I also excluded the Covid walkovers. Whilst there were scorelines given they didn't happen.  I've used scorelines from the 25 seaso
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Most common scores in premiership rugby

I am well aware that the most common score in premiership rugby is a bit of a pointless metric. Yet it is interesting, to me at least and hopefully to you as well to take a brief look: As we saw previously the most common or mode score for all games is 20. This has happened 319 times in premiership rugby up to the end of the 2021/22 season.  Overall 4.67% of all premiership scores finished as 20, ironically almost 1 in 20. Of those 319 scorelines 20 has been scored 176 times by away teams (it is the most common away score) and by 143 at home teams. It is the second most popular home score, as 24 has been recorded by 147 home teams. 20 has been scored 191 times by a losing team and 128 times as a winning team. Though 20 is the most common score it is neither the most common winning or losing score (24 and 13 respectively). Nor is 20-20 the most common scoreline in drawn games either. 27-27 is the most common draw in premiership history (11 times or 22 scores). Looking at the data season

Average premiership rugby scores

Average scores in premiership rugby What is the average score? I've been exploring what the average score is in a premiership rugby game.  The first question might even be which average? You can make a fair case for using the mean or median average score. Even the often overlooked the mode could be a useful measure in this context.  The first chart below is simple, and shows scores in premiership games since 1997. The shape of the curve is as we would expect g iven a negative score is (so far) impossible in rugby  is positively skewed with a long tail to the left.  The most common score in premiership rugby over the past 25 seasons is 20 points,  with 319 occurrences, ahead of 16 (294) and 19 (287). What I like most about the graph above though is those odd little patterns. With hard (or unlikely) to score totals such as 18 which has happened 200 times, nestled between 17 (252) and 19 (287)   The median (middle) premiership score is 21 meaning 50% of scores are 21 and above and 50%

Two trophies in 5 charts

You might well say that I'm a bit late to write about last season and given it finished 8 months ago and that this season is close to drawing to a close and you'd be right. However given how significant it was for those of us in the Westcountry I thought it was worth dwelling on one more time.  Whichever way you describe the 2020/21 season (all 13 months of it) it was pretty remarkable for Exeter Chiefs, with the Devon side winning both the English Premiership and the European Champions Cup. Many words have already been written about this by better (and more timely) writers than me. But nevertheless here are some combined stats from European and Premiership games for Chiefs last season. However below are five charts to refresh the memory or maybe even show it in a new angle.  Amazingly given his struggles in the past with serious injury, (Big) Dave Ewers spent more time on the field that any other player a total of 1845 minutes (over 60 hrs). Sam Simmonds (another who had misse